È possibile utilizzare i seguenti metodi per ripristinare o reimpostare i file e i valori di Word: 1. Il margine superiore (cioè lo spazio vuoto tra il bordo del foglio e il testo) è di 2,5 cm. Selezionare l'icona Opzioni layout.. Scegliere le opzioni di layout desiderate: Per portare l'immagine davanti al testo e impostarla in modo che rimanga in un determinato punto della pagina, selezionare davanti al testo (in con disposizione testo) e quindi selezionare Correggi posizione nella pagina.. You will find a list of all 70 options later in this article. In the Lay out this document as if created in drop-down list (no. This option was new in Word 2002. Use Microsoft Word’s page layout design tools to make easy-to-read documents that reflect positively on you and your business—even if you’re new to Word. Figure 1. This option prevents the use of punctuation marks in East Asian text when the character grid is enabled. Turn on this option to implement the line-spacing feature. Metodo 1: Eseguire la funzionalità "Rileva problemi e ripristina" 2. This option prevents a wrapped table from breaking across a page break. Used in East Asian text. Microsoft doesn't seem to have provided descriptions for those options anywhere. 3 in the illustration), you can select from different versions of Word that are older than your actual version. The same text is shown twice: Top text with Don't expand character spaces on a line that ends with SHIFT+RETURN turned OFF. Usare le opzioni di Word avanzate per personalizzare la modifica di attività, la visualizzazione dei documenti, le preferenze di stampa e altro ancora. This article was first published March 6, 2020. This will prevent lines with a manual line break from being justified. Setting Margins, Orientations, Sizes Columns and Spacing of a page is a very important process before taking printout. This option uses Word 97 line-breaking rules for Asian text. You need to force a line break in a line in the paragraph by inserting a manual line break. Note: The Allow row to break across pages option has no effect in a wrapped table. When the option is selected, the remainder of the table is allowed to slide back to the left. Layout accurato. Or you may change how Word calculates the space between paragraphs by turning on another compatibility option. The result is ugly word spacing in that line. Nel seguito utilizzeremola notazione FileàApri ecc per identificare la voce Apri del menu Filee così via. In Word 2013 and newer versions of Word, you will find only the options shown in Figure 1 below. Quando si fa clic sull’icona (Impostazioni), sono disponibili le seguenti opzioni: Impostazioni layout This option will preserve layout compatibility of tables styles used in Word 2002. This means that all the options are referred to as both compatibility options and layout options. This way of ordering makes it difficult to find a specific option by its name. Click the arrow next to the Layout Options to expand the list. A few of them are found in all Word versions. This illustration shows the options found in Word 2013, 2016, 2019, and Word for Microsoft 365. The compatibility options listed depend on the actual Compatibility Mode. The macros let you set all layout and compatibility options, change or retrieve the Compatibility Mode of a document, etc. The numbers in the first column are only added for easier reference. However, it makes it easier to find out which localized option corresponds to which English option since to position in the list is the same. Fare clic su "Margini " e selezionare " Margini personalizzati . " Hopefully, the lists in this article will help you find the option you want. Note that the tool also lets you find terminology in another language if you know the English terms. Layout options and compatibility options can be set in the individual Word documents. Nelle opzioni di word, verificate più volte, non ho trovato nessuna opzione utile. The numbers in the first column are only added for easier reference. This requires, however, that you know which terms to use in English. I have only adjusted the information where required, due to newer Word versions being available than Word 2003. You will also find a list with descriptions of the individual options. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You will find a. This option was new in Word 2002. information about to which Word version(s) the old name applies. Seleziona una delle opzioni di allineamento. Una possibile soluzione è salvare un modello dopo aver selezionato la modalità Bozze e poi lanciare quello. La barra principale contiene unaserie di menu denominati File, Modifica (Edit), Visualizza (View),...,Helpche a loro volta contengono sotto-menu o comandi. This option changes the vertical position of text between the top of the line space and the bottom of the line space. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Word permette di applicare delle modifiche all’intera pagina. A paragraph has justified text, i.e. When this option is not selected, center-aligned or right-aligne… If a paragraph has a left border (not a box) and the Different Odd/Even Headers check box or Mirror Margins check box is selected, Word prints the border on the right, on odd numbered pages. Selezionate il layout più adatto alle vostre esigenze. Con AbiWord si possono creare tabelle, inserire grafiche, e, grazie al tool Mail Merge, è possibile completare automaticamente i campi all’interno di e-mail. If you can't find what you are looking for, it is often helpful to search for information in English. This option applies small caps formatting in Word version 6.0 for the Macintosh the same way as in Word version 5.x for the Macintosh, which produces slightly larger small capital letters. Come disegnare su Word di Salvatore Aranzulla. This is most likely the case for all language versions of Word 2007. Your email address will not be published. With the option turned on, all the extra space goes to the descender. For details about how to set the layout and compatibility options via VBA, see my article How to Set Word Compatibility Options via VBA. Word: è possibile aprire e modificare tali file con Microsoft Word nel formato .docx. This option displays text without leading between the lines. This option prevents the table from being clipped (cut off on the sides) or pushed off the page when it is aligned next to a floating object. Queste impostazioni determinano l’aspetto del documento finale. descriptions of which effect they have on the layout, List of all 70 layout options and compatibility options in English and Danish, Tip about how you can find the English option name if you know the name in another language – Microsoft Language Portal, Example of the effect of a layout option or compatibility option, Macro – Update All Fields in Word Document, Create List of Local Built-in Style Names, Cross-reference Problems - Troubleshooting, Formatting Marks - Nonprinting Characters - Codes, Apply Uniform Table Borders to All Tables, Copy Text and Retain Numbers When Pasting, How to Find Out Which Command Word Executes, How to Open Word Documents with Specific Zoom and View, Keep with Next if Colon at End of Paragraph, Troubleshooting - Shortcut to Macro Does Not Work, Troubleshooting - Toolbar Missing on Add-Ins Tab, Troubleshooting - Word Fails to Show Font Name and Other Formatting Values - Shows Blank Fields, Add AutoCorrect Options to Word 2013 or Word 2016. Consiste di una finestra di editing perinserire il testo con un cursore che indica la posizione corrente nel testo,barre di spostamento, e barre di comandi. If this option is selected, Word uses the information from the printer driver that is installed, as in some earlier versions of Word. Illayout della finestra di lavoro (barre di comandi ecc) può esserepersonalizzato utilizzando la voce Visualizza(V… When you select Microsoft Word (.docx) as output format, its layout can be configured using the settings on the Layout tab and the Options tab. Required fields are marked *. buonasera a tutti, mi chiamo alessandro e scrivo da napoli; invio questa domanda in quanto non riesco a capire come sia possibile modificare il layout (che appare automaticamente digitando riferimenti>inserisci nota a piè pagina); visualizzo una linea intera (e non per tutta la lunghezza del foglio) seguita dal numeretto (sequenziale) a cui fa riferimento la nota. Troviamo tutti i comandi necessari nella scheda Layout di Pagina della barra multifunzione, in particolare nel gruppo Imposta pagina, visibile in figura 1. Highlight in Word - smarter and easier than ever, How to Create a Multi-column Word Table Where Each Column Has Individual Cell Heights, STYLEREF Fields and Language-specific Style Names, Table Cell Shading - White Space - Troubleshooting, Word Style Names in English, Danish, German, French. These settings determine what your final documents will look like. Fare clic sulla scheda " layout di pagina " nella barra multifunzione . Metodo 2: Ripristinare l'installazione di Word in modalità di manutenzione 3. Setting Margins, Orientations, Sizes Columns and Spacing of a page is a very important process before taking printout. Layout options and compatibility optionsEnglish (US), Adjust line height to grid height in the table, Allow hyphenation between pages or columns, Allow space between paragraphs of the same style in a table, Balance SBCS characters and DBCS characters, Combine table borders the way Word 5.x for the Macintosh does, Convert backslash characters into yen signs, Disable OpenType Font Formatting Features, Do full justification the way WordPerfect 6.x for Windows does, Don’t add automatic tab stop for hanging indent, Don’t add extra space for raised/lowered characters, Don’t add leading (extra space) between rows of text, Don’t allow hanging punctuation with character grid, Don’t autofit tables next to wrapped objects, Don’t balance columns at the start of Continuous sections, Don’t blank the area behind metafile pictures, Don’t break constrained tables forced onto the page, Don't expand character spaces on a line that ends with SHIFT+RETURN, Don’t snap text to grid inside table with inline objects, Don’t use Asian rules for line breaks with character grid, Don’t use hanging indent as tab stop for bullets and numbering, Don’t use proportional width for Korean characters, Don’t vertically align inside of textboxes, Don’t vertically align table cells containing shapes, Expand/condense by whole number of points, Lay out footnotes the way Word 6.x/95/97 does, Print colors as black on noncolor printers, Select entire field with first or last character, Set the width of a space like WordPerfect 5.x, Show hard page or column breaks in frames, Split apart page break and paragraph mark, Suppress extra line spacing at bottom of page, Suppress extra line spacing at top of page, Suppress extra line spacing at top of page the way Word 5.x for the Macintosh does, (Word 2003: Suppress extra line spacing at top of page like Word 5.x for the Mac), Suppress extra line spacing the way WordPerfect 5.x does, (Word 2003: Suppress extra line spacing like WordPerfect 5.x), Suppress Space Before after a hard page or column break, Swap inside and outside mirror indents and relative positioning, Swap left and right borders on odd facing pages, Treat \* as ** in mail merge data sources, Underline tab character in numbered lists, Use cached paragraph information for column balancing, Use larger small caps the way Word 5.x for the Macintosh does, Use Normal style for bulleted and numbered lists, Use Word 2002-2007 style evaluation rules for font size and paragraph justification in tables, Use Word 2003 indent rules for text next to wrapped objects, Use Word 2013 rules for hyphenation between pages and columns, Use Word 97 line-breaking rules for Asian text.
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