coco chanel biografia breve

She also lived at her country house in Roquebrune for a time. The international economic depression of the 1930s had a negative impact on Chanel's company, but it was the outbreak of World War II that led her to close her business. Coco Chanel: Paris der 1920er und das bewegte Leben einer Modeikone. À 12 ans, Gabrielle perd sa mère et se retrouve dans un orphelinat. A partir de 1941, Coco Chanel se rapproche des autorités allemandes et revendique la propriété des parfums Chanel, notamment de la marque de parfum "Chanel N°5" dont Coco n'est propriétaire qu'à hauteur de 10%, le reste appartenant à la famille juive, les Wertheimer., alors réfugiés aux Etats-Unis. – Coco Chanel. Kapitel 5 Coco. "La simplicidad es la clave de la verdadera elegancia" Coco Chanel Coco Chanel nació el 18 de agosto de 1883 en el hospicio de Saumur, Maine-et Loire, Francia. biografia coco chanel Coco Chanel - właściwie Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, francuska projektantka mody. In 2009, Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky detailed Chanel's relationship with the composer. Die Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit. The founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, she was credited in the post-World War I era with popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style, replacing the "corseted silhouette" that was dominant beforehand. Chanel became a popular figure in Parisian literary and artistic worlds. A designer to celebrities and royalty such as Princess Diana, Gianni Versace brought vitality and art to an industry considered out of touch with street culture. A deal was ultimately negotiated where the Wertheimer business would take in 70 percent of Chanel No. In addition to his own label, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld was a major creative force behind such well-known brands as Tommy Hilfiger, Chanel and Fendi. She was also promiscuous in that movie, more so than this movie. Doch was weiß man eigentlich über sie persönlich? She got special permission to stay in her apartment at the Hotel Ritz in Paris, which also operated as German military headquarters. La diseñadora que cambió la percepción del vestido y la feminidad para la mujer. Chanel died on January 10, 1971, at her apartment in the Hotel Ritz. Perfume “is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion. Biografia de Coco Chanel Coco Chanel (1883-1971) foi uma estilista francesa e uma inovadora no campo da moda. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel nasce a Saumur il 19 agosto 1883. No use símbolos ni comillas. Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (/ ˈ ʃ ʌ n ɛ l / SHA-nəll; 19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was a French fashion designer and businesswoman. Biografia: Coco Chanel in francese Testo in francese: Gabrielle (dite Coco) Chanel est née en 1883 à Saumur, d’une mère abandonnée par un mari vagabond le jour même de leur mariage. A 50 anni dalla morte di Coco Chanel, un nuovo libro ne ripercorre la storia di vita e carriera con una biografia illustrata con fotografie inedite. Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was a French fashion designer. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! Un 10 de enero de 1971 Mademoiselle Coco Chanel, revolucionaria, indómita y de proverbial mal carácter, abandonó el mundo de los mortales para instalarse definitivamente en el Olimpo. Kapitel 7 Gabrielle Chanel. Biografia. . Familia Hija natural de Eugénie Jeanne Devolle, una campesina tuberculosa, y de Albert Chanel, un vendedor ambulante, que desaparecía largas temporadas sin dejar más rastro que olor a alcohol y deudas de juego. Coco Chanel machte Schwarz zu einer Farbe, die elegant und sinnlich ist und zu jeder Gelegenheit getragen werden kann. Several biographies of the fashion revolutionary have also been written, including Chanel and Her World (2005), written by Chanel's friend Edmonde Charles-Roux. Today her namesake company is held privately by the Wertheimer family and continues to thrive, believed to generate hundreds of millions in sales each year. Chanel huyó siempre del recuerdo del orfanato de Aubazine, pero la austeridad de esta abadía cisterciense del siglo XII determinó su estilo reinterpretando algunos de los detalles arquitectónicos del lugar, recoge Edmonde Charles-Roux en su biografía Coco Chanel, L'Irrégulière. She is known for her work on The Rules of the Game (1939), Tonight or Never (1931) and Éducation sentimentale (1962). Biografie; Coco Chanel, eigentlich Gabrielle Bonheur Chasnel, wurde am 19. Er schrieb in französischer Sprache poetisch-fantastische Dramen. [16] Sus primeras biografías recogen las historias que Coco inventó. Daraufhin übergab ihr Vater sie in die Obhut eines Waisenhauses. Biografia • Questione di naso. Coco Chanel will "ein Parfum für Frauen, das den Duft der Frauen trägt." Sie eckt an, prägt später allerdings nicht nur die Modewelt, sondern setzt Trends und ist überaus kreativ. Dramatiker. Mit einem weiteren Kredit ihres Geliebten eröffnete sie in dem mondänen Seebad Deauville eine Boutique. During the German occupation of France, Chanel got involved with a Nazi military officer, Hans Gunther von Dincklage. BIOGRAFIE HERUNTERLADEN'S COCO CHANEL-FAKTENKARTE. Coco Chanel nació el 18 de agosto de 1883 en el hospicio de Saumur, Maine-et Loire, Francia. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. El testimonio de Gabrielle Chanel, detta Coco, nacque a Saumur in Francia il 19 agosto 1883, celebre stilista francese e vera icona femminile, riuscì a imporre uno stile tutto nuovo e a fondare con le sue forze una Maison d’alta moda che porta ancora oggi il suo nome. Her nickname came from another occupation entirely. À l’âge de 20 ans, elle est engagée … La sua infanzia fu una delle più tristi, perchè dopo la morte della madre, trascorse gran parte della sua infanzia in orfanotrofio, esperienza che influenzò anche la sua linea artistica. Gabrielle Bonheur „Coco” Chanel (n.19 august 1883 - d. 10 ianuarie 1971) este considerată una dintre cele mai mari creatoare de modă ale secolului al XX-lea, alături de nume precum Paul Poiret, Christian Dior, Christian Lacroix, Guy Laroche, Nina Ricci sau Givenchy. Louis Vuitton was a French entrepreneur and designer whose name has become iconic in the fashion world. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, coneguda com a Coco Chanel (Saumur, País del Loira, 19 d'agost de 1883 - París, 10 de gener de 1971) fou una modista francesa. 5 being a massive source of revenue, she repeatedly sued to have the terms of the deal renegotiated. Coco Chanel era nota per tagliare, appuntare, cucire, scucire, riappuntare e ricucire i suoi modelli per ottenere l'effetto desiderato. “What’s wonderful about her is she’s not a straightforward, easy woman to understand.”. Tesina Coco chanel con relativi collegamenti nella seguenti materie : ITALIANO, … Some still viewed her relationship with a Nazi officer as a betrayal of her country. La demande n'aboutit pas. Chanel ‹šanèl›, Gabrielle, detta Coco. In 1925, Chanel introduced the now legendary Chanel suit with collarless jacket and well-fitted skirt. In the 1920s, she launched her first perfume and eventually introduced the Chanel suit and the little black dress, with an emphasis on making clothes that were more comfortable for women. Durch sie wurde Paris das Modezentrum der Welt: Coco Chanel. She helped women say goodbye to the days of corsets and other confining garments. Coco Chanel - welche Lebensgeschichte verbarg sich wirklich hinter diesem weltberühmten Namen? Coco Chanel ist ihrer Zeit weit voraus, sie ist unkonventionell und mutig. Foi a fundadora da marca “Chanel”, um grande império na produção de roupas, bolsas, sapatos, perfumes, acessórios etc. Coco Chanel. Gabrielle Bonheur „Coco” Chanel (n.19 august 1883 - d. 10 ianuarie 1971) este considerată una dintre cele mai mari creatoare de modă ale secolului al XX-lea, alături de nume precum Paul Poiret, Christian Dior, Christian Lacroix, Guy Laroche, Nina Ricci sau Givenchy. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (Saumur, 19 de agosto de 1883 – Paris, 10 de janeiro de 1971), [1] mais conhecida como Coco Chanel, foi uma estilista francesa e fundadora da marca Chanel S.A.. É a única estilista presente na lista das cem pessoas mais importantes da história do século XX da revista Time. Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (/ ˈ ʃ ʌ n ɛ l / SHA-nəll; 19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was a French fashion designer and businesswoman. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel nasce a Saumur il 19 agosto 1883. In the 2008 television movie Coco Chanel, Shirley MacLaine starred as the famous designer around the time of her 1954 career resurrection. 1914 entwarf sie den Körper locker umspielende Kleider, und während des Kriegs kreierte sie aus einem Restposten Jersey eine neue Mode mit klaren Linien statt der üblichen Verzierungen. Bearbeitete auch alte Legenden für die Bühne. While not officially charged, Chanel suffered in the court of public opinion. Herkunft. She herself became a much revered style icon known for her simple yet sophisticated outfits paired with great accessories, such as several strands of pearls. Tesina Coco Chanel per professionale. [necesită citare]Publicația Time a considerat-o una dintre cele mai influente femei ale secolului al XX-lea. Kapitel 8 Coco by Karl. Doch der Erfolg fiel ihr nicht in den Schoß. Chanel was raised by nuns who taught her how to sew —  a skill that would lead to her life’s work. Her early years were anything but glamorous. Foi a fundadora da marca “Chanel”, um grande império na produção de roupas, bolsas, sapatos, perfumes, acessórios etc. Coco Chanel: Nata a Saumur, nella Loira francese, Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel è stata una delle più acclamate stiliste del Novecento e una pioniera del concetto di femminilità nella moda. Sie wuchs in ärmlichen Verhältnissen auf, und als sie zwölf war, starb ihre Mutter an Tuberkulose. August 1883 als Gabrielle „Coco“ Chanel im westfranzösischen Saumur zur Welt. Coco Chanel, pseudonimo di Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (Saumur, 19 agosto 1883 – Parigi, 10 gennaio 1971), è stata una celebre stilista francese, capace con la sua opera di rivoluzionare il concetto di femminilità e di imporsi come figura fondamentale del fashion design e della cultura popolare del XX secolo.Ha fondato la casa di moda che porta il suo nome, Chanel The actress told WWD that she had long been interested in playing Chanel. Some say that the name comes from one of the songs she used to sing, and Chanel herself said that it was a “shortened version of cocotte, the French word for 'kept woman,'” according to an article in The Atlantic. In the 1920s, Chanel took her thriving business to new heights. The show received seven Tony Award nominations, and Beaton won for Best Costume Design and René Auberjonois for Best Featured Actor. Christian Dior was a French fashion designer whose post–World War II creations were wildly popular, and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry. Um 1923 traf sie den reichen Hugh Grosvenor, Herzog von Westminster, an Bord seiner Yacht. Timeline. Mit Coco Chanel verbindet jeder ihre Mode und ihr Parfüm. Biografia. Va néixer el 19 d'agost del 1883 a la població francesa de Samur. Gabrielle (dite Coco) Chanel est née en 1883 à Saumur, d’une mère abandonnée par un mari vagabond le jour même de leur mariage. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, coneguda com a Coco Chanel (Saumur, País del Loira, 19 d'agost de 1883 - París, 10 de gener de 1971) fou una modista francesa. “My fortune is built on that old jersey that I’d put on because it was cold in Deauville,” she once told author Paul Morand. L'infanzia e adolescenza di Coco Chanel . Familia Hija natural de Eugénie Jeanne Devolle, una campesina tuberculosa, y de Albert Chanel, un vendedor ambulante, que desaparecía largas temporadas sin dejar más rastro que olor a alcohol y deudas de juego. That is also a very good movie, and starts from the beginning when she was in the orphanage. Procure no dejar espacios tras la última letra. Coco vor Chanel) ist ein französischer Film von Anne Fontaine aus dem Jahr 2009. Kapitel 6 Mademoiselle. Her first taste of clothing success came from a dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. Divenuta celebre in virtù del suo stile semplice ed essenziale, Ch. Most sources suggest Gabrielle Chanel was born in 1883, though this was a closely guarded fact – with Coco not keen on revealing her birth date. Saumur, 1883. Coco Chanel was born on August 19, 1883 in Saumur, Maine-et-Loire, France as Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. 5 profits for producing the perfume at their factories, with Bader receiving 20 percent and Chanel herself only receiving 10 percent. BREVE BIOGRAFIA DI COCO CHANEL. La storia, lo stile, il tocco di Coco Chanel: racconto di un heritage che nessuno raggiungerà mai. Coco Chanel – Der Beginn einer Leidenschaft (Originaltitel: Coco avant Chanel, dt. Buch von Nadine Sieger Gebundene Ausgabe 272 S. >> Online kaufen! “La irregular” Chanel, apodo por el que se conocía a las amantes de los hombres de alta sociedad, murió en 1971 de un ataque cardíaco a la edad de 87 años en el Hotel Ritz de París. After the war ended, Chanel was interrogated about her relationship with von Dincklage, but she was not charged as a collaborator. The fragrance was in fact also backed by department store owner Théophile Bader and businessmen Pierre and Paul Wertheimer, with Chanel developing a close friendship with Pierre. facebook; twitter; Kapitel 1 N°5. Biografía de Coco Chanel … Busque por apellido. She first received scathing reviews from critics, but her feminine and easy-fitting designs soon won over shoppers around the world. Jean-Paul Gaultier is a French designer known for his influential designs, especially the creation of Madonna’s infamous conical bras for her 1990 Blond Ambition tour. With her trademark suits and little black dresses, fashion designer Coco Chanel created timeless designs that are still popular today. Coco Chanel, la stilista che ha trasformato la moda in business. The nuns taught Coco everything she knew about sewing and making clothes. She died on January 10, 1971 in Paris, France. Gabrielle Chanel, también conocida como Coco Chanel, es considerada la diseñadora más famosa del siglo XX. ! DOWNLOAD BIOGRAPHY'S COCO CHANEL FACT CARD. Nata a Saumur, Francia, il 19 agosto 1883, Gabrielle Chanel, chiamata "Coco", ebbe una infanzia molto umile e triste, trascorsa in gran parte in un orfanotrofio, per poi diventare una delle più acclamate creatrici di moda del secolo scorso. Gabrielle Bonheur, mejor conocida como Coco Chanel nació en Francia, en un pequeño pueblo llamado Saumur en el año 1883.Luego de la muerte de su madre fue internada en un orfanato y en este lugar aprendió a bordar a mano, a realizar costuras y a planchar.Cuando cumplió los 18 años fue trasladada a Notre Dame, un internado religioso. À 12 ans, Gabrielle perd sa mère et se retrouve dans un orphelinat. Yves Saint Laurent was best known as an influential European fashion designer who impacted fashion in the 1960s to the present day. In this movie, he died on his way to France. Giorgio Armani is an iconic Italian fashion designer best known in America for his popular men's suits. À l’âge de 20 ans, elle est engagée comme vendeuse dans un magasin de tissus. A little more than a decade after her death, designer Karl Lagerfeld took the reins at her company to continue the Chanel legacy. El perfume bajo el guarismo 5. Over the years, with No. Coco Chanel: biografia. Die beiden … Dieser Frage geht die Journalistin und Autorin Justine Picardie, die für solch renommierte Zeitschriften wie die Vogue und den Observer gearbeitet hat und aktuell für Harper's Bazaar und den Sunday Telegraph tätig ist, in ihrer Biografie "Chanel - Ihr Leben" nach. - Creatrice di moda francese (Saumur 1883 - Parigi 1971). Biografía de Coco Chanel. von Nadine Sieger | 17. Ab 1920 hatte Chanel eine kurzlebige Beziehung mit dem Komponisten Igor Strawinsky. Biografia. In the 2008 film Coco Before Chanel, French actress Audrey Tautou played Chanel in her early years, from childhood to the founding of her fashion house. August 1883 als zweite Tochter eines Straßenhändlers in Saumur in der Auvergne geboren. Kapitel 4 Das Jackett. Die Strenge ihrer weißen und schwarzen Kleidung reflektiert die Schlichtheit des klösterlichen Lebens, das sie die ganzen Jahre über im … Chanel had attended the notorious world premiere of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” in 1913. The early life of Coco Chanel. Entdecken Sie die Geschichte von CHANEL auf #insidechanel. She later added stores in Deauville and Biarritz and began making clothes. por Sebastian Cabrices 3 de junio de 2020. Michael Kors is an American designer best known for his fashion company and as a judge for the popular television show 'Project Runway.'. Around 1923, she met the wealthy Hugh Grosvenor, Duke of Westminster, aboard his yacht. She launched her first perfume, Chanel No. Iconic French fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy was known for his elegant haute couture designs and years-long professional relationship with Audrey Hepburn. Coco Chanel verstand sich nämlich darauf, Hüte geschickt aufzuputzen. Both men were instrumental in Chanel’s first fashion venture. È il 19 agosto quando Jeanne DeVolle dà alla luce, in un ospizio, Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel che, un giorno, il mondo chiamerà col nome di Coco Chanel.Un'infanzia sfortunata, la sua: la prematura morte della madre, l'abbandono da parte del padre Henri-Albert Chasnel, che di mestiere faceva il venditore ambulante, gli anni in affidamento alle suore del Sacro Cuore, a Aubazine. Sin embargo, Coco Chanel logró convertirse en una referencia histórica de la moda en todo el mundo. . im Jahr 1913. Beziehungen und ein Heiratsantrag. Another 1920s revolutionary design was Chanel’s little black dress. Cecil Beaton handled the set and costume design for the production. Biografia: Coco Chanel in francese. In tribute, many of the mourners wore Chanel suits. During her brief career as a singer, Chanel performed in clubs in Vichy and Moulins where she was called “Coco.”. Coco Chanel: su historia, biografía en influencia en la moda. Chanel N.º 5, sempiterno, símbolo del glamour, la consagró como perfumista, una de sus facetas artísticas en 1920. Categoria: Forum. MI SERVIREBBE UNA BREVE BIOGRAFIA DI COCO CHANEL GRAZIE IN ANTICIPO. Coco Chanel, nombre de Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, ... Después de un breve período como vendedora, Chanel trabajó durante algunos años como cantante de café.

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